Our actions

Acting and raising awareness
We run campaigns on human pollution and its impact on biodiversity through awareness-raising workshops and clean-up sessions in the Pakbeng region, and on the banks of the Mekong River in northern Laos.
Plastic and agricultural pollution endangers the local fauna and flora (infiltration into the soil, ingestion of plastic by animals, etc.). Furthermore, as it is carried to the Mekong river by the rain, which then flows into the sea, it is becoming an ecological disaster for marine ecosystems.
Some figures:
- 1 million plastic bottles are produced per MINUTE on earth.
- 64% of the world's agricultural land is contaminated by pesticides.
- 80% of marine litter comes from land-based activities.
Creating conservation areas
Where all forms of animal and plant life are protected: acquisition of many hectares of forest to allow a growing number of species to live there.
In Pakbeng, northern Laos, we support the Mekong Elephant Park project, which is fighting to protect a conservation area and expand it by working with the local authorities.
Without initiatives like this, human-wildlife conflicts will increase in the future, and will be responsible for the disappearance of many species of animals and plants.

Reintegrating elephants into their natural habitat
By giving abused elephants the opportunity to live in the forest again thanks to mahouts.
Reintroducing captive animals into their natural environment is not easy. First of all, their behavior must be rehabilitated to the life and diet in the wild. For this, the role of the mahouts is indispensable. By accompanying the elephants on a daily basis in these natural areas, they actively contribute to the elephants’ reintegration.
Planting the future
Replanting new trees in the protected area opposite Pakbeng, with young plants purchased from the District Department of Agriculture and Forestry.
For decades, deforestation has wreaked havoc on biodiversity in Laos and around the world. Reforestation improves the quality of the soil and above all restores the balance of local ecosystems.
Monoculture or the falling of forests has made this balance fragile, if not non-existent in places. APEEL aims to support the local populations, living within these ecosystems, to counter the effects of climate change.

Involving future generations
Weekly live presentations from Laos to primary school classes in France.
They are the decision makers for the future of our planet. It is a matter of course for APEEL to integrate the future generations in our process to defend the ecosystems and biodiversity in the world and, more particularly, in Laos.
APEEL supports the Mekong Elephant Park, a sanctuary created in 2008 in Pakbeng, Northern Laos, where elephants are rescued after years of abuse. There, they are cared for and rehabilitated in their natural environment by a passionate team,
More than just a park, the Mekong Elephant Park is a project that combines:
- An environmental objective: to protect an endangered species, its ecosystem, and to participate in their reintegration into their natural habitatt.
- An economic and social ambition: a sustainable opportunity for mahouts, rangers, and other team members (25 jobs) to earn a regular income in order to stay out of the logging business.
- A sustainable tourism project designed and planned to respect both aspects mentioned above.